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He's a jag off. by Bro May 13, 2004. Jagoff meaning (pejorative, slang) An irritating, inept, or repugnant person. jagoff (Noun) An irritating, inept, or repugnant person. Etymology: Corruption of jackoff.
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De var såååå annoying! Ville bara slå ner dem! Men jag tycker jag har fått en bra början nu iaf. Snart är jag off till Picadilly! Oxford English Dictionary stavar namnet på detta vis.
EMELIE KARLSTEDT: augusti 2009
Videos on Meaning of Jagoff. Your name of Jagoff has given you a clever, deep mind and the talent Video explanation of the name of Jagoff All about the cool stuff going on in Pittsburgh! There are a lot of podcasts, or PAWDcasts as you might say in Pittsburghese, but none this focused on what’s happening in Pittsburgh. jagoff translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'jack off',JA',jargon',jet off', examples, definition, conjugation Ya Jagoff!
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But that doesn't mean that you love them any less. I mean they were good, but it was quite awful as it was a modern version! Anyway, om ca 4.5 h så är jag off från avdelningen - ska stressa hem & fixa iordning Nu är jag off to Pirum.
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(pejorative, slang) An irritating, inept, or repugnant person.
of «blowhard» in Swedish language: — English-Swedish Dictionary. Tim, is, even though I may be a blowhard and, let's face it, kind of a jagoff, I'm there for
Jagoff - Jagoff or jag-off is an American English derogatory slang term from Pittsburghese meaning a person who is stupid or inept. Jagoba Arrasate - Jagoba
thought I would miss the ark this much, but anyway, Jaha, if you're seeing this, that would indeed mean you're not dead! Dagar, med min sista låda mat.
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Share this: Tweet · Print · Email. Like this: Like Loading Submit a Comment Cancel reply. Set of 5 Pittsburgh mini magnets! If your familiar with the meaning of nebby, n'at and jagoff then this magnet is for you!
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It is most prominent in the Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania areas. Podcast - All about Pittsburgh YaJagoff Podcast / A Different Meaning to Ya Jagoff BoGo.