learn the personal pronouns - ESL worksheets - Pinterest

1. John is my student. ———————– is very intelligent. a) He b) She c) They d) It 2. Alice is my sister. —————————- lives abroad. a) He b) She c) They d) It 3.

Personal pronouns exercises

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Personal pronouns are used in place of nouns. For example, consider the following sentence: “The woman is pretty.” We can write the same sentence using a pronoun: “She is pretty.” Personal pronouns can be difficult. pronouns exercise. Your students will have fun with this cute song! They sing along and then do the exercises! I hope they like it! Personal pronouns worksheet.

Lesson 7 Possessive pronouns in Swedish - MySwedish

C) we. D) them. 2.

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Personal pronouns exercises

go to school. 4. The horse is strong.

Personal pronouns exercises

A) they. B) she. C) we. D) them. 2.
Ad dominum meaning

Personal pronouns exercises

Miscellaneous exercises for translation into Swedish 109. Sjclf, in the plural sjelfva, is often added to the personal pronoun for the sake of emphasis, as: Han  Swedish. Personal pronouns (Personliga pronomen)Edit. Person, Nominative de (dom), dem (dom), deras. Possessive pronouns (Possessiva pronomen)Edit  Learn and practice Spanish for free!

2. The girl is tall. is tall. 3.
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Lesson 7 Possessive pronouns in Swedish - MySwedish

Grammar: BE (auxiliary verb) Personal pronouns and BE worksheet. Verb to be online worksheet  Practice with our mcq system.

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Prepositions - SlideShare

3. Subject Pronoun Examples: In the following examples the subject pronoun is before the verb. I like your car. Drag and Drop Exercises: Pronouns Mixed 1 / 2 (Advanced) Object and Subject Pronouns 1 / 2 (Beginners) Indefinite Pronouns 1 / 2 (Intermediate) Worksheets: subject and object pronouns: pdf handouts to print, printable exercises. Personal pronouns in English.