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Why it matters: It's the lowest net approval rating the president has recorded since October. 2020-05-22 · Bad Times Don’t Appear to Hurt Trump’s Polling. Yes despite the dire state of the economy Trump’s latest approval rating is still at a robust 49% for the period May 1 -13, according to Gallup. The Gallup Poll — a poll with a long history — has released its job-approval numbers for President Donald Trump, which have reached the highest levels recorded, at 46 percent. President Donald Trump will leave office with the lowest average approval rating in Gallup’s history, a result that is stunning for more than one reason.. On Monday, Gallup released the results President Trump’s job approval rating has dropped by 10 points in less than a month, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Trump approval rating gallup

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How this works » 2021-04-23 · Biden's 100-day approval rating, based on an April 1-21 Gallup poll, well exceeds former President Donald Trump's 41% 100-day score but falls short of Barack Obama's 65% and George W. Bush's 62%. However, it's similar to readings in the mid- to high 50s for George H.W. Bush (58%) and Bill Clinton (55%). 14 timmar sedan · In fact, Trump never eclipsed 50 percent in Gallup's approval rating tracker. His highest level of support was 49 percent approval, all of which were recorded in 2020.

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Below are each state's approval ratings for President Trump as of February 2020. Data is from a poll by the Morning Consult. Alabama and Wyoming had the highest approval ratings for Trump in February 2020 at 62%. Vermont had the lowest approval rating and highest disapproval rating at 29% and 68%, respectively.

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Trump approval rating gallup

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2020-05-17 · President Donald Trump just got some good news. Despite the ongoing efforts of the progressive corporate press, his approval rating remains steady.
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Forty-seven percent of independents said they approve of the 2020-02-04 · Trump’s public approval rating has hit the highest level of his presidency — 49% — in Gallup’s poll of registered voters. The poll was conducted during Trump’s ongoing impeachment trial in the 38% currently approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president Record partisan gap, with 91% of Republicans, 2% of Democrats approving Trump's job approval rating is down among most President Donald Trump's public approval rating has reached a new high, according a Gallup poll, an American polling company. The poll, conducted as Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate neared Trump has a 34% approval rating in a new Gallup poll, the worst rating in that poll he’s ever had as president. — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 18, 2021.

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Donald Trumps approval rating har enligt samma institut ökat till 42 procent. En approval rating som likt Hillarys är  av K Engelbrekt · 2016 — platforms of Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump, the leadership styles of opinionen—53% enligt Gallup—vilket dels tycks bero på att den amerikanska “Presidential Approval Ratings—Barack Obama”, 26 September—2. av S Bergstedt · 2021 — elite, how he uses his power to define COVID-19. Key words: Donald Trump, Political Communication, Twitter, Framing Theory, Quantitative.