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She context of a well developed Scandinavian welfare state. The welfare state perspective in research on care has often been coupled with a feminist perspective, in Nordic as well as British care research (Baldwin and Twigg 1991; Waerness 2005). The overall picture of this now rather well developed research area is that informal care to older people, which is mainly carried out by family members, is extensive and of growing importance. I thought that was a pretty aggressive term compared to state feminism,” Helga laughs. “For me, state feminism was a purely empirical description of what I thought I observed in the 80s and 90s: that a collaboration took place within a legal framework, in which gender equality became a fundamental value in the politics of the welfare state.” 2020-06-30 2021-04-08 Comparative perspectives on Scandinavian welfare states, welfare municipalities and the patterns of care from the view of elderly persons. Publications .

Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

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Kari Wærness This article examines how a general social process—the struggle toward gender equality—is reflected in the public opinion on mothers' employment in three different modern welfare Waerness, Kari (1978) 'The Invisible Welfare State: Women's Work at Home' in Acta Sociologica- Supplement. Google Scholar Waerness, Kari (1982) Kvinneperspektiver pd sosialpolitikken. Wærness, Kari (1978) The invisible welfare state: women's work at home. Acta Sociologica 1978(Supplement): 193-207. 14 pages. February 6th The context of a changing social democratic welfare state KC Vogt Dølvik, Jon Erik, Tone Fløtten, Jon M Hippe and Bård Jordfald (2014) The Nordic Model Towards 2030: A New Chapter? NordMod 2030.

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”State of the art” rapport på detta område var det naturligt att som ett led i uppstår när vi analyserar den process varigenom kön som social funktion. uppstår, när kön Det var framför allt Berit Ås (1976) och Kari Wærness (1982; 1983; 1987) som esposas agricultoras: un trabajo invisible en las explotaciones familiares”,. Unit VI addresses the state of the art and science of nursing theory from three professor of social history; Ida Blom, professor of feminist history; and Kari Wærness, In addition, adaptive patterns may be hidden in individuals' genetic codes.


Kari wærness the invisible welfare state


Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

Kari Wærness This article examines how a general social process—the struggle toward gender equality—is reflected in the public opinion on mothers' employment in three different modern welfare Waerness, Kari (1978) 'The Invisible Welfare State: Women's Work at Home' in Acta Sociologica- Supplement. Google Scholar Waerness, Kari (1982) Kvinneperspektiver pd sosialpolitikken. Wærness, Kari (1978) The invisible welfare state: women's work at home. Acta Sociologica 1978(Supplement): 193-207. 14 pages.
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Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

Kari Wærness er en nestor innenfor norsk omsorgs- og kvinneforskning, kjent for sine mange engasjerte bidrag til den sosialpolitiske debatten, sin empirisk baserte begrepsutvikling, sine vitenskapelige arbeider på mange områder (landbruk, hjemmehjelp, familie, levekår m.m.) og sin vedvarende interesse for velferdsstatens svakeste.

av L Björk · 2013 · Citerat av 40 — managers at the operational level of education, health and social care omnipresent gender system and Joan Acker's (1990) notion of gendered (1982) and Kari Wærness (1984) early on wrote about a particular rationality The study casts light on organizational inequalities that would have remained hidden to us if we. av L BJÖRK · Citerat av 40 — managers at the operational level of education, health and social care omnipresent gender system and Joan Acker's (1990) notion of gendered (1982) and Kari Wærness (1984) early on wrote about a particular rationality The study casts light on organizational inequalities that would have remained hidden to us if we. av A Öhman · Citerat av 53 — analytiska kategorier kan vara social klass, etnicitet, ålder och så vidare. greppet ”sex/gender system”, eller på svenska ”kön/genus- system” (Rubin De norska sociologerna Hildur Ve (1982) och Kari Wær- ness (1984) Ve och Wærness menade att kvinnors ted and invisible – younger stroke patients' experiences.
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Wærness. face between formal settings and the informal sector in the welfare state ing to Wærness, the needs of the older persons take top priority and are de- cisive in 2000).

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To do so sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) (Freese and Druckman 2016 ). Knudsen, Knud, and Kari Wærness. 2009.