Registrera i LUCRIS Lunds tekniska högskola
Kent Lundgren on Twitter: "Om #energiförsörjning i
Lund University’s research output, for example articles, doctoral theses, conference papers, and reports, are collected in the LUCRIS research information system. In many cases, researchers can make their work freely accessible in full text. Reviewed and validated research output is public and visible in Lund University research portal. LUCRIS is a research information system whose purpose is not only to register and highlight Lund University's research publications, but also projects, collaborations and other research-related activities.
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By adding information to the database, different aspects of your research will be visualized in the Research Portal. This information can be seen by colleagues both within and outside the university, as well as by the media and the interested public. It is also possible LUCRIS . Med forskningsinformationssystemet LUCRIS samlar du in och synliggör olika aspekter av ditt arbete som forskare.
Från LUP till LUCRIS. Kristoffer Holmqvist & Hanna Voog
LUCRIS allows you to add different types of activities (scholarly as well as outside of academia), projects and publications. LUCRIS is Lund University's research information system LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) is the registration interface for scholarly publications. In addition, LUCRIS also contains other research information, such as information on researchers, research groups, projects or research-related activities within, for example, external engagement. Listed here are four situations, with slightly different conditions, in which you can use self-archiving to make your publications available in full text as well as how to do it.
Kent Lundgren on Twitter: "Om #energiförsörjning i
LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) and the LU research portal form together the university’s research information system. Their purpose is to communicate LU’s research to both internal and external parties.
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Exempel på infrastrukturer som du kan hitta där är Lunds Protein Produktions plattform (LP3), National Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy (nCHREM), Historiska museets arkeologiska och historiska samlingar, LUPOP LUCRIS is Lund University’s research information system. Among other things, researchers can register projects and activities such as conference participation, external academic engagements, and outreach (“tredje uppgiften”). LUCRIS stands for Lund University Current Research Information System. The public web portal is called Research LUCRIS är ämnat att fungera som ett av många instrument i universitetets, institutionernas och fakultetsledningens arbete med utvärderingar, planering och strategier. Uppgifterna i LUCRIS kommer till exempel att användas vid den kommande utvärderingen av forskning vid Lunds Universitet, RQ20, och LUCRIS.
LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) fungerar som registreringsgränssnitt för forskarinformation och innehåller förutom vetenskapliga publikationer även annan forskningsinformation, till exempel om enskilda forskare, grupper, projekt och forskningsrelaterade aktiviteter inom t ex samverkan.
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Från LUP till LUCRIS. Kristoffer Holmqvist & Hanna Voog
The faculty's minimum requirement for registration in LUCRIS Researchers at Lund University are required to register their scholarly publications in the research information system LUCRIS. The University’s publishing policy recommends that, when possible, the full text be freely accessible (open access), either through publication in an open access journal or in a journal which allows self-archiving. Lund University School of Economics and Management. Start; Education and research; Support and resources; Lucris Lund University’s research information system Under the heading “Infrastructure” in LUCRIS, Lund University’s research portal, you can now browse 200 different research infrastructures from the whole University.
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Registrera i LUCRIS Lunds tekniska högskola
I många fall kan du som forskare också tillgängliggöra dina publikationer i fulltext. LUCRIS is Lund university's research information system.